It's a deep, complex real-time strategy game set in various theaters of World War 2, with five distinct armies with their own multistage campaigns, hundreds of unique vehicles, dozens of personal weapons, melee combat, seasonal camouflage, fully destructible environments, and realistically modeled armor penetration. 'Accidentally discovering something awesome' will soon become a four-word summary of my time with Assault Squad 2. Later, I learn that this mode is called 'Direct Control,' and I can trigger it with any unit at any time. No matter: I spend the next gleeful minute headshotting advancing Japanese soldiers in this surprise third-person shooter mini-game. Men of War: Assault Squad 2 is an RTS-so what the hell is going on? His rifle is following my cursor and WASD moves him around.
Suddenly, I'm looking over the shoulder of a squad leader with the US Marine Corps. I'm just trying to pivot the camera around when I accidentally hit E.